Wednesday, 6 May 2009

History of film trailers

From my research into the history of film trailers i discovered that the first actual cinemtaic trailer was shown in America in 1913. The trailer was promoting the musical 'Pleasure Seekers' which was a show on Broadway. The person who produced the trailer was a man called Marcus Lowe. The Nebraska Daily Star said that this new form of advertising and promoting films would take over alot of the bill board adverts that films used to be advertised on.

Stanley Kubric was one director that reinvented the film trailer. For his films such as, 2001 a space odyssey, Lollita and Dr. Strangelove. These film trailers included fast paced editing and voiceover for the trailer.
Film trailers have come a long way since the first one in 1913 and now film trailers take up the first twenty minutes of a films posted showing time. Now with DVD and Blu-Ray, film trailers are added features so that people wathcing the film can choose when they watch the trailers rather than before the movie starts.

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