Thursday, 21 May 2009

Costume for my film.

The costume that i will use in my film will be slightly seductive but will still show authority. I want the female character in my trailer to have an obvious authority, but i dont want it to be a strict authority, i want the femme fetales authority to be over the men that she seduces.
My female character is going to seduce male characters and then kill them, but in my trailer this won't happen. In my trailer the female character will just show her seductive side and also authoritative side.
Costume will play a very big part in the femme fetales character. I want her to be wearing dark costume but to be quite pale and to also have red lips. The red lips and dark clothes is a typical aspect of Film Noir. If i can edit my trailer so that the red lips stand out, then I will do so.
The make up of the femme fetale shall be simple. I want her to look pale with the red lipstick, but i would also like to add a unique aspect to her makeup.
This unique aspect is that i want her to have one set of false eyelashes on. This was used in Stanley Kubrics film 'A Clockwork Orange' and i think the effect that the one set of eyelashes creates is a very dark and eerie one. This will fit with the genre of my film.

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