Wednesday 27 May 2009

Practice shots.

Got one of the camera from school today so that I can start filming, but tonight I have just done a few practice shots which i hope to upload tomorrow.

I decided to do some practice shots because Iwant to include streetlights in my film and obviously it has to be dark for the streetlights to be on. I was unsure on whether the cameras would cope with how dark it was.

However, after doing a few practice shots tonight of some streetlights I have found that the camera does cope with the lighting and that the streetlights do create a good effect.

The effect that the streetlights created is good because the light really stands out from the dark background of the black sky and also the streetlight gives enough light to cover the necessary amount of area for each shot type.

The shot types that I practiced was a low angle tracking shot, a panning shot, a lowangle shot and also a point of view shot.

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