Sunday 10 May 2009

Film trailer questionnaire

Below is the questionnaire that I produced and handed out to people of different ages and genders.

Film trailer questionnaire

Circle your selected answer.

Do you go to the cinema often? Yes No

What was the genre of the last film you watched in the cinema (answer on the dotted line) ………………………………………………………………..

What is your favourite genre? Action Drama Film Noir Comedy Rom-com Horror Thriller

When watching a film trailer, what do you find most effective? Sound track Action sequences Different shot types A voice over

What makes you want to watch a film the most? Film poster Cinematic trailer Television advert Newspaper/print advert

Do you enjoy watching trailers? Yes No

Does watching trailers make you want to watch the film? Yes No

How long would you expect a trailer to last? 30 seconds-1 minute 1 Minute-1 minute 30 1 minute 30-2 minutes.

Do you get bored of watching film trailers before a film? Yes No

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