Saturday, 30 May 2009

Changing the soundtrack..

When editing my trailer I realised that the soundtrack that I had chose didn't fit with the film. The reason that the music didn't fit was because it was too slow and didn't have the right effect.

I had to find a new soundtrack for my film, so I tried to think of powerful songs that I know. After going through various bands that still didn't work, I decided to try the band 'The Black Keys'. I knew this band had some powerful songs and after looking through a couple of their songs and testing them against my trailer, I found the ideal song, which is called 'Just Got To Be'. This song immediatley worked with my trailer and i knew that it would be the song that I would use.

Even though I had found a soundtrack that fitted with my film, I still tried to look for some more traditional 1940s soundtracks (just in case they worked better with my film). I looked through a couple but nothing jumped out. I tested them against my film, but The Black Keys song was still the best one, so i stuck with that one.

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