Friday, 29 May 2009


The location that I filmed was Linton. I wanted to get shots of street lights because i think that they would give off a good effect. When filming the street lights i used panning shots to pan up the streetlights, I think this gave the mosatmospheric effect.

The time that I filmed also was an ideal time because it was completley dark and the streetlights produced enough light for filming and also created shadows which link with the film noir genre. I already knew that the streetlights would give off enough light because of the practice shots that I took a week before filming my actual trailer.

Some of the shots that I used when filming didn't work well and weren't as effective as i thought they would be. One of these shots was a medium shot of the character leaning up against a streetlight. The reason why this shot didn't work is because the light wasn't bright enough and it was too dark and also the street light just looked like a concrete block. I decided to overcome this by trying the shot from a different angle. This worked effectively and I will use this shot in my film.

Overall i think that my filming went well and it went how i expected it to go. When shots didn't work out how i thought they would, I easily overcame the problem. Now all that I have to do is capture my filming onto the Apple Macs and then edit it using adobe premiere pro.

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