Sunday, 31 May 2009


I have captured my film and it is on the apple macs editing software (Premiere Pro) I have also finished editing it.

The editing process for my trailer didn't take a long time because I had already learned the basics of the the software so was able to do it more efficiently.

One hold back to the editing of my trailer was adding the music. I added the soundtrack that I wanted to use but it didn't fit with the film. This meant that I had to find a new song to work with my trailer. The song that I chose for my trailer is called 'Just got to be' by The Black Keys. This is a link to Youtube, which is where i found my song...

The editing effects that i mostly used were the 'dip to white' effect and also the 'dip to black' effect. I feel that these were the best effects to use for the genre of my film (film noir). These effects were also simple to add onto my film but they also created a good effect.

One main effect that I added to my trailer was the black and white effect. This effect was vital in making my trailer fit in with the film noir genre, and it gave it the 1940's style that i wanted.

After editing and watching my film through i was pleased because i think that it had an authentic 1940's feel and it was also like the film 'The Third Man' which is the sort of effect that i was going for.

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Changing the soundtrack..

When editing my trailer I realised that the soundtrack that I had chose didn't fit with the film. The reason that the music didn't fit was because it was too slow and didn't have the right effect.

I had to find a new soundtrack for my film, so I tried to think of powerful songs that I know. After going through various bands that still didn't work, I decided to try the band 'The Black Keys'. I knew this band had some powerful songs and after looking through a couple of their songs and testing them against my trailer, I found the ideal song, which is called 'Just Got To Be'. This song immediatley worked with my trailer and i knew that it would be the song that I would use.

Even though I had found a soundtrack that fitted with my film, I still tried to look for some more traditional 1940s soundtracks (just in case they worked better with my film). I looked through a couple but nothing jumped out. I tested them against my film, but The Black Keys song was still the best one, so i stuck with that one.

Friday, 29 May 2009


The location that I filmed was Linton. I wanted to get shots of street lights because i think that they would give off a good effect. When filming the street lights i used panning shots to pan up the streetlights, I think this gave the mosatmospheric effect.

The time that I filmed also was an ideal time because it was completley dark and the streetlights produced enough light for filming and also created shadows which link with the film noir genre. I already knew that the streetlights would give off enough light because of the practice shots that I took a week before filming my actual trailer.

Some of the shots that I used when filming didn't work well and weren't as effective as i thought they would be. One of these shots was a medium shot of the character leaning up against a streetlight. The reason why this shot didn't work is because the light wasn't bright enough and it was too dark and also the street light just looked like a concrete block. I decided to overcome this by trying the shot from a different angle. This worked effectively and I will use this shot in my film.

Overall i think that my filming went well and it went how i expected it to go. When shots didn't work out how i thought they would, I easily overcame the problem. Now all that I have to do is capture my filming onto the Apple Macs and then edit it using adobe premiere pro.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Editing the practice shots.

Yesterday i uploaded the practice shots onto the Apple Macs. I thought that i would edit some of the shots, just so that i could get an idea on what sort of editing effects and transitions i need.

In one of my shots, the camera pans up to the top of a streetlight. I thought that this would be a good shot to edit because it is exactly like one of the shots that I am going to include in my actual film trailer. I decided to make this shot black and white. On doing so i noticed that the shot was still too light for my liking, so i added the 'brightness & contrast effect' this enabled to me to make the shot darker by increasing the contrast and decreasing the lighting. Once i had set the brightness & contrast to my preffered setting i thought the shot looked alot better and that it turned out like i wanted it too.

I have not yet added a soundtrack to my practice shots, but i am planning on doing that tomorrow. I want to add a soundtrack onto the practice shots because i think it will give me a better idea on how the music is all going to fit into the trailer.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Practice shots.

Got one of the camera from school today so that I can start filming, but tonight I have just done a few practice shots which i hope to upload tomorrow.

I decided to do some practice shots because Iwant to include streetlights in my film and obviously it has to be dark for the streetlights to be on. I was unsure on whether the cameras would cope with how dark it was.

However, after doing a few practice shots tonight of some streetlights I have found that the camera does cope with the lighting and that the streetlights do create a good effect.

The effect that the streetlights created is good because the light really stands out from the dark background of the black sky and also the streetlight gives enough light to cover the necessary amount of area for each shot type.

The shot types that I practiced was a low angle tracking shot, a panning shot, a lowangle shot and also a point of view shot.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009


The soundtrack that I have chosen to use for my trailer is 'Closer' by 'Kings of Leon'. I think this piece of music would go very well with the atmosphere of my trailer and it will not be too overwhelming.

What I mean by overwhelming is that I dont think this piece of music will be dominant and I do not think it will distract the viewer from what is happening on screen.

Below is a link for the song that I have chosen...

Monday, 25 May 2009


I want to start filming as soon as possible. Soon i will upload my storyboard and then I will start filming. I am hoping to start filming this week. I think that i will be able to film all of the shots i need in one session, this should then give me time to complete the editing which will be a very important part of my trailer because i want to make sure the timing and composition of each shot is correct.

When filming I will mainly stick to my story board but i am going to still try different angles for each shot because this will help when it comes to editing because if i do not like the look of some of my shots or if i don't think the shot fits with the rest of the trailer, then i will have more to choose from and therefore i can make my trailer as effective as possible.

When filming i must keep certain factors in mind such as, the weather, the setting and the lighting. If the weather is not right on the day that i film, then i will have to postpone filming and do it anither day (hopefully this won't happen). If the lighting doesn't work, then i shall have to consider another time of day for filming (again, i am hoping this doesn't happen).

Overall, i hope that my filming goes to plan and that i do not encounter too many problems.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Why i want to include shots of writing...

I want to include the different shots of writing inbetween each of the filmed shots because i think that it will create a good effect and i also think that it will tease the viewer into wanting to watch the film, which is the main idea of a teaser trailer.

I want the shots to go in time with the muisic so that they flash up when maybe the music changes tempo, or if there is a key change in the music. I think timing the shots with the music will add to the effect of the trailer.

When researching and studying different trailers I did find that some of them include writing inbetween shots because it adds to the interest of the trailer and also the storyline of the film, but keeping it to just single words doesn't give too much of the plot away to the viewer.

The words appearing on the screen with a black background does stick to the film noir genre but also adds a modern twist to it because lots of film noir films were made in the fifities and did not have writing appear on the screen.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Examples of titles between shots...

These are the different titles that I will include during the editing and I will put these inbetween each shot...

I will most probably only include three different titles inbetween the shots because i do not want them to be the main piece of the trailer, i just want them to be short flashes almost that appear on the screen so that the viewer is even more teased.

Friday, 22 May 2009

What type of editing to use.

When I finally edit my film I want to make it as effectively as possible. I have decided that inbetween shots i am going to include a completely black screen with white write saying things like 'seduction', 'darkness' and 'kill'. I think these words briefly appearing on the screen will make my trailer very effective.

Inbetween these shots i want to use hard cuts and maybe include a very quick flash, this will also add to the effectiveness of the trailer and also the spped of the trailer.

Other editing in my film may include some fades because i think having fades and quick cuts in my trailer will create a disorientating contrast.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Costume for my film.

The costume that i will use in my film will be slightly seductive but will still show authority. I want the female character in my trailer to have an obvious authority, but i dont want it to be a strict authority, i want the femme fetales authority to be over the men that she seduces.
My female character is going to seduce male characters and then kill them, but in my trailer this won't happen. In my trailer the female character will just show her seductive side and also authoritative side.
Costume will play a very big part in the femme fetales character. I want her to be wearing dark costume but to be quite pale and to also have red lips. The red lips and dark clothes is a typical aspect of Film Noir. If i can edit my trailer so that the red lips stand out, then I will do so.
The make up of the femme fetale shall be simple. I want her to look pale with the red lipstick, but i would also like to add a unique aspect to her makeup.
This unique aspect is that i want her to have one set of false eyelashes on. This was used in Stanley Kubrics film 'A Clockwork Orange' and i think the effect that the one set of eyelashes creates is a very dark and eerie one. This will fit with the genre of my film.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Initial ideas for lighting...

- Dark
- Street lights
- Torch light
- Natural light
- Room light (inside a house)

I think that the most easy type of lighting for my film would be natural light (sun light) because i think that is what the camera would deal with the best.

However, sun light would not give the right effect and does not necessarily fit in with the film noir genre. The lighting that fits in best with the Film Noir genre is the darkness with the street lights.

The effect that this creates is that of mystery and also creates tension. Because of this i have decided to use darker lighting for my trailer and i will include street lights because i also think they would stand out and they link in with the Film Noir genre.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

About my storyboard...

When drawing up my storyboard I was obviously thinking about what shot types would go best for the genre of my trailer and also what shot types would be most effective in a film trailer, this is why i decided to do research on typical shot types before I did my storyboard.

I think that my storyboard will help me alot with my filming because I have already planned it all out and that will make filming my trailer alot easier and much more time efficient. My storyboard will also help with the editing of my trailer because i have included the edits inbetween each shot and also the timing of each shot, so this will meke the editing period much easier and much more time efficient.

In my storyboard I have included what sort of sound i want, (being diegetic or non-diegetic). I have wrote where i want there to be the soundtrack and I have also wrote where i want the diegetic sounds. For example, the footsteps. Writing this information down on the storyboard has allowed me to plan and organise my filming.


Monday, 18 May 2009


Initial ideas for my location...

- Dark setting

- Urban area

- Country side

- Inner city

- Rural area

- Farm land

My own pictures for location...

These are the pictures that I have taken for my location. When I was at these different locxations I was thinking about which would be best and which would be most accesible for my film trailer.

The location that I think would be most effective for my trailer is the more urban setting. I like this setting the most because i think that it would fit in with my film and it is really easily accesible.

I have decided to film when it is almost dark, just so the street lights are on, I think that the street lights would create the best effect for my film because the darkness fits in with the Film Noir genre.

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Typical shot types

Shot types that I may use for my trailer...

-Close up...Benefits of this shot are that you can view all of the emotion on the actors face and the audience feels alot closer to what is happening on screen and feels more involved in the film. This shot would fit in with the film noir genre because of the emotion that the actor can convey.

-Extreme close up...The extreme close up would be a very effective shot to use because it creates a feeling of mystery and it also makes the audience wonder what else is going on out of shot. This shot would be effective in my trailer because it could disorientate the viewer and, as i said, is a mysterious shot.

-Long shot...The long shot would be a good shot to use in my trailer because it shows the setting and would also be a good way of showing mise-en-scene. This shot would be good for the film noir genre because it will completely show the dark setting and make the audience feel more involved.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Final magazine front cover

This is my final design for my magazine front cover. I designed three different front covers, but this is the one that i thought would stand out the most and is the most effective.

The features that I like about this front cover include, the colours, the images and the title of the magazine. I like the colours on this front cover because they all co-ordinate and are quite vibrant. For example, the red title stands out alot and that is useful when making your magazine noticeabe so that people will buy it.

The main feature on this magazine is my film that I am producing. I think that I have made it very obvious that the main feature of this magazine is my film because it is the main picture and the words 'The New Film Noir Thriller' really stand out near the centre of the page. It doesn't show too much information about the film because I would rather people pick up the magazine and buy it. So I think this front cover also draws people in and makes them want to buy and read the magazine and find out more about my film.

I think this front cover is the most aesthetically pleasing but it also promotes my film the best out of the covers that I designed.

The details that I would change about my magazine front cover is the name of the title, although it fits in with the genre of the magazine, I think that it is a little cliche and that I could probably think of a more unique title. Another aspect of the front cover that I would change is the placement of the christmas film images in the centre of the page. I would move these images down the left side of the page, creating a column of images. This would make my front cover look more tidy and neat. I would also change the dotted lines around the images at the bottom of the page. I would change this because at the moment they look messy and are not tight to the pictures. It was difficult to make these dotted lines tight to the images.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Magazine front cover

I researched a number of film magazine front covers. For example I looked at 'Empire', 'SFX' and 'Total Film'. From researching these magazine front covers i noticed that alot of them include one main image with writing and sometimes a few smaller images. The title of the magazines is usually bold and easily noticed.
These are examples of my own magazine front cover...

The software that I used to create my magazine front cover was 'Macromedia Fireworks'. Using this software proved to be very useful because i have used this software many times before and therefore i already knew what the tools do and how to use them. For example, i used the 'magic wand ' tool; this tool allowed me to eliminate any background on certain pictures. When i created the magazine front cover with the 'Empire' logo at the top, i had to use the magic wand tool to delete the black background that was on the picture when i downloaded it.

The images that are on the bottom of my magazine front covers are all the same. I have included these images because they are of recent movies that are out now or that are coming out soon, such as, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1'. I chose to use this film for my magazine front cover because it is a very popular film and it is also easily recognizable.

Another film that I included on the front cover of my magazine is the new 'Tron Legacy' movie. I included this because it will also be a very popular movie when it is released and will be recognizable.

One feature that i have included on my magazine is 'All time christmas films'. I have used this because it is the type of feature that film magazines would have on their front pages. I also created this feature because it is christmas time so fits with the time of year.

Magazine front covers.

When researching magazine front covers I first started looking at different differnet front covers from magazines that are on sale at the moment. What i found from the different magazines is that lots of the titles of the magazines are very large and noticeable at the top of the page, and also that there is one main image that takes up the page.

As well as the lasrge titles and the main image, lots of the magazine front covers that i looked at have titles of their features around the main image and they sometimes include other small images around the main picture. The magazine front covers have their main features included because that will draw the reader in, and so would the main title and large main image.

All of the magazines that I looked at were colour co-ordinated, so i shall keep this in mind for when i make my magazine front cover.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

My own film poster

Below is an image of my own created film poster.

When creating my film poster I researched lots of other film posters, from all types of genres, not just the thriller genre. All of the film posters that I looked at before creating my film poster included information about the productioon companies and the different actors that are staring in the film.
Taking this aspect of film posters into account, I included it when creating my poster. I tried to make the font style and the font size as accurate as possible to what the majority of film posters use. I think that I succeeded in creating the effect of this font and it makes my film poster look genuine and the type of poster people would see in the cinema or on bill boards.
The software that i uses to create my film poster was 'Macromedia Fireworks'. This software proved to be very useful and was also simple for me to use because i have used this software before. I chose to use this software just because I had used it before and I thought that would work to my advantage and allow me to produce a good quality and geniuine looking film poster.
The image that i used for my film poster was taken by me. The picture was taken in Cambridge at night time. I tried to create a mysterious and eerie affect with this image and I think that i have succeeded in doing that also. I chose thsi particular image because I felt it reflected my film story line because in my trailer the charcater will be walking along a dark street like the one on my poster. The image also raises questions and creates a mysterious effect.
To cerate the effect that i wanted for my film poster I had to edit the image. For this i again used the software 'Macromedia Fireworks'. The only editing taht i had to do for the photograph was changing the brightness and contrast. Changing the brightness and contrast made the street appear to be darker and it made the street lamp more effective.
I was unsure on where to place the title of my film because i did not want to ruin the image. I decided to place it near the top left of the poster because then it is still noticable and still stands out but does not ruin or distract people from the image. The placing of the title also reflects the character in my film because the character is a shady and mysterious character. The font that the film name is in also reflects this mysterious side to the films story line and character.

I decided to edit the image black and white because my film is going to be black and white because of its genre 'Film Noir' but also the black and white of the poster symbolises good and evil, which is a big part of my film.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Film posters

For my project i also have to include a film poster. Through my research i have learned that some films include a number of film posters, each including different characters from the film. An example of this is the recent film 'Kick-ass'

As with film trailers you get teaser trailers and full length trailers, posters are the same, there are teaser posters and the final poster. I think that i will do a teaser poster to go with the teaser trailer.

Here is an example of a teaser poster.

Here is an example of a final poster.

The difference between these two film posters is that the final film poster includes alot more information such as the release date. The final poster also has a more detailed image of Batman standing in front of a building, whereas the teaser poster has a very simple image of a joker type face on a brick wall. The inclusion of the Joker character also teases the audience because the Joker is an interesting character.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Graph for questionnaire

This is the graph that I produced from my questionnaire results....

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Film trailer questionnaire

Below is the questionnaire that I produced and handed out to people of different ages and genders.

Film trailer questionnaire

Circle your selected answer.

Do you go to the cinema often? Yes No

What was the genre of the last film you watched in the cinema (answer on the dotted line) ………………………………………………………………..

What is your favourite genre? Action Drama Film Noir Comedy Rom-com Horror Thriller

When watching a film trailer, what do you find most effective? Sound track Action sequences Different shot types A voice over

What makes you want to watch a film the most? Film poster Cinematic trailer Television advert Newspaper/print advert

Do you enjoy watching trailers? Yes No

Does watching trailers make you want to watch the film? Yes No

How long would you expect a trailer to last? 30 seconds-1 minute 1 Minute-1 minute 30 1 minute 30-2 minutes.

Do you get bored of watching film trailers before a film? Yes No

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Film noir costume

These are images of typical costumes used in film noir films. The only character that I am having in my film trailer is a female character, so I have been researching female film noir costumes.

What I have found out from my research is that the women costumes in Film Noir are either very seductive or very smart and business women like. The seductive costume is to draw the male characters in, but thats what Femme Fetales do, they draw the male characters in and then they sometimes kill them or go behind their back in some way.

The smarter dressed female characters in Film Noir films are dressed in a masculine way to symbolise their authority and their power that they have.

The costume that I will use for the character in my trailer will be a mixture of the two, because i do want my character to be slightly seductive but i don't want seduction to over rule my characters look, because i do want my character to have power and i want the audience to know that this female character is an authoritative figure and should be taken seriously.

Friday, 8 May 2009

'The Dark Knight' teaser trailer.

The Dark Knight teaser trailer is probably one of the most simple but still one of the most effective film trailers that I have ever seen.
The trailer is simply just Heath Ledgers character 'The Joker' laughing in his mentally insane, creepy way and a batman symbol appearing on the screen.

Because the Batman symbol is very well known everybody knows what film it is for. And the fact that there was the creepy laughter of the Joker makes the trailer even more effective. Well, the laughing is the most effective part of the trailer.

The laughter is dark and creates a tense and eerie atmosphere. The dark laughter also suggests a darker 'Joker' and this was obviously very appealing to the audience because the Dark Knight grossed a total of $158,411,483 in its opening weekend.

Obviously for my trailer i would not be able to do something similar to the Dark Knight because it would not show any technical ability with camera shots and angles and would be too simple.

The 'Sin City' trailer.

The trailer that I have been studying alot (and watching over and over) is the 'Sin City' trailer. My reason for studying this trailer so throughly is that it is the same genre as what I want my film trailer to be and it is also a fairly modern film (2005).

In the sin city trailer the aspect that stands out to me the most is the fact that the editing of it is very effective and also the colours are very vibrant.

The editing has made me think about what i want to do my trailer like. I would like to have a voiceover, but i don't want it to end up being cliche. After watching the trailer many times I have decided that I want my trailer to have cuts inbetween each shot where there is writing that appears on the screen, like quotes that would be in the film. This has encouraged me to maybe include a little voice over, because i think the voice over would go with the quotes well.

My trailer is a teaser trailer, so i obviously want to tease my target audience into watching it and don't want to give away too much. Thats why i think having the quotes inbetween the shots would be a good idea because it is teasing people by not showing alot of the film.

Film trailers

To start my research for this coursework task I have looked at various different film trailers, from recent films that are out in the cinemas at the moment, such as 'Get Him To Greek' and also older films, such as 'Heat'. I looked at new and old trailers because I wanted to look at the difference in style in the ages of the film trailers. What i have learned from looking at the differnet ages of film trailers is that more recent film trailers include more action from the films and they dont give away much of the story line. Whereas older film trailers do include more of the story line and show alot more of the actual acting in the film, rather than just different shots of action sequences.

Batman trailer (more recent) -

Heat trailer (older) -

Another thing that i have noticed when watching different trailers is the use of the film production companies logos. These logos are usually included at the beginning of the trailer. This is helpful to me for making my trailer because it gives me ideas of the sort of things to include in my logo.


I have not fully decided what film genre i would like to do for my trailer yet because i am still researching different trailers and i am still thinking as to what would be the most effective and the most effiicient genre to use.

From my research and thinking i believe that an action film would not be the best genre to use because it would be very difficult and almost impossible to create the explosions and other special effects that are key elements of an action film.

Another genre that would be very difficult to use for my film trailer is the comedy genre. The comdey genre wouldn't be the best genre for my trailer because the jokes the sense of humour that would be included would be my sense of humour, so others might not find the trailer funny at all.

One genre that would be fairly easy to do for my trailer would be the thriller genre. This genre would be easy to use because the thriller genre elements such as suspense and mystery would be easy to create in a teaser trailer. Below is a thriller trailer for the film '28 Days Later'.
What i like about this trailer is that it has small clips of the beginning of the trailer which lets the audience know the main plot of the film, so informs them on what the film is about. There is also tense music used in the trailer which also makes the audience want to watch the film and the tense music also links with the thriller genre.

Another genre i am interested in using is film noir. I am interested in using film noir as the genre for my film trailer because the aspects of film noir would be easy to create, such as pathetic fallacy, femme fatale and the dark and mysterious settings. I am also interested in using film noir because i think that the darkness and the mystery has a good effect. The two minute opening of my AS media project was also film noir, so it would be a logical choice to use the genre again. Below is an example of a film noir trailer for the film 'Sin City'.
I have specifically chosen this trailer as an example because i think it is typical of the film noir genre. I like the way it is edited to show all of the main characters in the film. The short cuts that are edited in the film trailer add to its intensity. There is also contrasts in dark and light in the trailer which has a good effect. I would like to include dark and light contrasts in my film trailer.

The genre that i am most likely to use for my film trailer is Film Noir. I think that this will be my most likely choice because for my AS media project, my groups film was a Film Noir thriller film. personally i like the genre because the mystery and the darkness of the fiklm is very effective on the audience. The aspects of Film Noir are also easy to re-create.

This is a list of links for film noir trailers. Sunset Boulevard Double Indemnity

Both of these trailer are tarilers for older films, so the style that these trailers are will be different to the style of more recent trailers. Sin City The Spirit

Both of the above trailers are more recent Film Noir films. Both of these films are made by the same director (Frank Miller).
Through my reasearch i have discovered that Film Noir was a very popular genre in the 1940s and the 1950s. This has made it more difficult to find trailers that are more recent because i like the Sin City trailer and would like to mimic the style of that trailer for my own Film Noir trailer. The aspects that i would expect from a Film Noir trailer include, dark settings, rainy or cloudy weather, a femme fetale character and maybe a mysterious detective.

If i decide to not do a Film Noir trailer, then i am considering just doing the thriller genre. I like the idea of doing a thriller trailer because it is flexible. What i mean by flexible is that you can include other genres, for example, an action thriller, a comedy thriller, a film noir thriller, a comedy thriller and also crime thriller. Also for my AS media project we had to do the opening for a new thriller movie. I enjoyed using the thriller genre because og the fact that you can include other genres.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Target audinece

The genre for my trailer is Film Noir. It is going to be a Film Noir thriller. Looking at various thriller movies and also Film Noir films such as 'Sin City' and 'Detour'. I think that this genre of film appeal to people aged sixteen up to the age of forty. This age range would make my target audience range from late teens to late thirties.

The age rating that I will give my film will most probably be 15 because I dont think people under fifteen would be able to watch the thriller side to the film.

Thriller films are mostly age fifteen and over because some of them are scary and do have jumpy parts to them. For example, the thriller film 'I Am Legend' is certified as a fifteen. When watching this film as a seventeen year old I was scared. The film has very jumpy parts to it and also the story line is scary if not a little sci-fi. The story is that somebody thought they had found the cure to cancer and the government decided to give everyone the cure, so that they never got cancer, but the cure didn't work and everyone either died or turned into zombie like creatures that cannot come out in the sunlight. The protagonist of the film (Will Smith) was immune to the cure and he is the only man living in New York.

Research into the film noir genre

Typical Film Noir films include, 'Sunset Boulevard', 'Double indemnity', 'The Third Man' and 'Strangers on a Train'. Through my research i have learnt that the majority of film noir films made were made in the 1940s and 1950s. This gives the films a particular style, with the grainy camera and a lower quality of sound, but these aspects can be seen as typical film noir conventions because the grainy camera and low sound quality can create a dark atmosphere.

In my film trailer I will attempt to recreate these aspects of film noir so that my trailer sticks to the genre and is dark and atmospheric.

The music that is used in film noir builds suspense and contributes to the atmosphere. This is why the soundtrack that I use in my trailer is very important because a soundtrack for the trailer must connect with what is on screen and it should also contribute in making people want to watch the film in its entirety.

The soundtrack that I use in my film trailer is most probably going to be an up to date piece of music because although the film noir genre was very popular in the 1950's, I don't think that the music of the 1950's would attract a modern day audience into watching my film. The songs that i may use are...
- 'Closer' By the Kings of Leon

- 'On call' By the Kings of Leon

- 'Intro' By The XX

- 'N*E*R*D & Daft Punk - Hypnotize You (Nero Remix)'

The dark atmosphere that is created in film noir films is created by a number of typical aspects. One of these aspects is the way the films are black and white. Some film noir films are black and white but have one dominant colour. Red is often used in film noir films. The red connotes danger and passion which is a typical theme found in Film Noir. One film that stands out to me and uses a dominant colour is 'Sin City'.

There are not alot of modern film noir films. When producing mine i would like to include a modern twist to the trailer. I was thinking of including a modern soundtrack or even just a modern setting with modern costume. I think that this new and modern twist to my film noir trailer would make it unique and would make it stand out against a more traditional film.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

History of film trailers

From my research into the history of film trailers i discovered that the first actual cinemtaic trailer was shown in America in 1913. The trailer was promoting the musical 'Pleasure Seekers' which was a show on Broadway. The person who produced the trailer was a man called Marcus Lowe. The Nebraska Daily Star said that this new form of advertising and promoting films would take over alot of the bill board adverts that films used to be advertised on.

Stanley Kubric was one director that reinvented the film trailer. For his films such as, 2001 a space odyssey, Lollita and Dr. Strangelove. These film trailers included fast paced editing and voiceover for the trailer.
Film trailers have come a long way since the first one in 1913 and now film trailers take up the first twenty minutes of a films posted showing time. Now with DVD and Blu-Ray, film trailers are added features so that people wathcing the film can choose when they watch the trailers rather than before the movie starts.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Chosen Brief

The brief that i have chosen for my coursework is brief 2. Which is 'A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

-A website homepage for the film;

-A film magazine front cover, featuring the film;

-A poster for the film.

I have chosen to do this brief for my coursework because it is the brief that i am most intersted in and i also am interested in studying film at university.